This will include the learners perception of himself/herself and the world outside and the positive attitude he/she develops  in engineering a situation. We should develop  the PMA –positive Mental Attitude in us. This is the first step in achieving strong self esteem.  The learner develops confidence to achieve communicative efficiency to relate with others. An introspection allows one to analyse one’s own trait  as social, un social and anti social.

A value is best defined as an extended action in word or deed  based on one’s belief system. A value therefore ought to be an action ( in word or deed) and forms  part of one’s value system. It becomes a pro human value or a positive value when there is an element of sacrifice in it. One’s Responsibility to others is the basic tenet  of Humanism and that demands a lot of sacrifice. Pro human  value fosters development in self and in others whereas  anti human value destroys human relations and is void of any sacrifice for others. In technical language

“values are the explicit judgements we have about things, goals, actions we consider desirable or undesirable. In selecting goals, in choosing means for reaching them, and in resolving conflicts, we are influenced at  every turn our conception of the preferable, the good , and the desirable. Values thus help determine our behaviour……….. However , our key choices and decisions are based upon our values. They shape the kind of person we become and the type of life we build for ourselves and others”

We need to distinguish ability from skill. Ability denotes capabilities and potentialities whereas skills are acquired through constant exposure, experience, practice and application. Whether it is a resource development skills or language skills  they are acquired only  through internalization.   All personal, inter personal, organizational and managerial skills,  skills necessary for the whole person development, are leant through conscious effort after adequate exposure and experience followed by a constant desire to practice it.

This resource includes  awareness and analysis and application.  There are four different cognitive skills such as information gather, analysis of information, application of information( knowledge) and use of knowledge for pro human development(wisdom).

“There  is a genuine need for a new thinking. Human efficiency for orienting whenever necessary prevents disintegration of the personality. Orienting and reorienting asks for new thinking which in turn allows each person to continuously clarify his/her vision. Unless there is a new thinking he/she may develop a habit of limiting the vision. Once the vision is limited, the mission themselves become less in number and quality”(Prof. Sunney Tharappan in Basic concepts for HRD professionals)

All human persons are endowed with the cognitive resource, intelligence. Though present in different measures, this helps  an individual to function in situations by pursuing his/her interests under the guidance of the principles(values) that he/she believes in, using the skills that he/she has already developed. When this intelligence is used to question the status quo we supposed to become intellectuals.

Human imagination has no bounds.  All of us are capable of fantasizing and dreaming and this ultimately lead to creativity. Innovations are possible only when one is an intellectual and creative. All human persons ought to visualize what their lives and the lives of others around should be. A clear vision of what one wants to be or what one wants to do for others helps a person to be sure of himself/herself. For such a person, pursuing life in all its dimensions would be an easier task.

How effectively one faces the situation largely depends on one’s acquired skills in handling them. If  one fails to face it  properly  one becomes victim of it. One can also manipulate the situation only to serve his selfish ends. Re engineering is a resource which is developable. When day to day problem which affect the learners are presented as ‘hrd content’ learners may learn the art of negotiating a situation in an experiential way. The challenged learners for study  struggle to face situation arising out of personal or  sociological problems. The researcher has come across many  students in his 25  years of teaching such learners who break down emotionally unable to face challenges in life just because they did not get an opportunity to get exposed to such realities. They get involved when a ‘hrd content’ is presented to them in a language class. They discuss the given problem with involvement forgetting that they do so in the target language how imperfect it may be.

Experiencing life offers a very great accumulation of human resource. Experiencing in itself takes an individual to different areas of understanding of human life and its various shades. Obviously it is not possible to experience everything in life. Therefore he/she  will have to depend upon transferred experience of others. However experiencing may not be worth much unless it creates lasting impressions on the mind of the person who is going through it, whether direct or transferred. The impressions created become a powerful resource to depend on.

Though both the words are used either as synonyms or as a collocation   there seem to be a slight difference in their meaning. Feelings are known only to the feeler while emotions betray such feeling to others. Anger is at the feeling level and it can be emotionally exhibited through gnashing of the teeth or through facial contraction. Of course anger is not a pro human value when it is not well handled by an individual. Self regulation of emotions (Daniel Goleman) plays a vital role in developing the personality of a person. It is the most powerful resource. The ability to feel feelings, the more the better, makes a  person closer to all other beings and helps him/hr understand the significance of the lives of others. A person endowed with the ability to feel feelings has also to learn to register his/her feelings with others so that they will be able to understand him/her better. Equally important is his/her need to able to recognize others’ feelings. Feeling can be so powerful  at times that the cognitive resources one has developed may even fail to come to the rescue and therefore  it is all the more important  for our learners to acquire this skill through exposure and experience.

Interests make life active and  worth living. When we pursue our interests our life becomes easy to live. We discover new meaning and new insights as we progress in reaching our target  and interest makes the otherwise difficult process less tedious. Many people copy other’s interest ( imitative interest) and many others adopts other’s interest and develop them (cultivated interest). But unique people have original interest

( authentic interest) painstakingly developed and probably this aspect makes them unique. Leaders belong to this category

This is the   basis of all  skills. This component is present in all the skills. Manifestation of skill development is possible only when one communicates one’s development to others. when value slant is added to this communication process it becomes transformation of communication and not just transfer and transact of communication. Through appropriate ‘hrd materials’ learners can  be exposed to experience the whole range of the different techniques and types of communication, from verbal to meta lingual, from dialectic to polemics, from description to evaluation from dialogical communication to sociological communication and from different points of view.


In any given society people relate to one another and there are different types of relationships that get established in mutual interactions. There are four types of human relationships that are easily identifiable. The most powerful relationship is blood relationship. When people are related through blood there is a strength that binds them together. Of course ,one cannot deny the unfortunate fact that that blood relationship which is otherwise the strongest in its bonding, may also break down because of powers of physique, pelf, or performance. In the modern societies , official relationships are very common . Apart from stated and recognised official relationships between superiors or subordinates and among different sections of employees , there are also unwritten and conventional official relationships among and between producers and sellers or sellers and customers and even with those with whom one does not have everyday interactions . Despite their official structures some of these relationships can become very intense and break the official structure or they can even break down , creating enemies out of officials who are interacting with each other . Social relationships allow plenty of interactive benefits to all involved. Unlike official relationships, where tension between or among officials involved are possible, in social relationships the interpersonal understanding is generally peaceful. All the same, some of these relationships can also break down because of the powers of physique, pelf or performances .Casual relationships are formed by people without any plan or design. They are made and broken as when situations become conducive.. They are so casual that they may be momentary or transient. However ,though they are so, there are  occasions when these relationships become more permanent  than the other three because of casual occurrences or because of the powers of physique, pelf or performance.( Prof. Sunney Tharappan)

It is a rare  ‘hrd  skill’ which we normally don’t find in the corporate sector which has monopolized the expertise in HRD training for its employees. Only later in the  nineties the Government India renamed its Education Ministry to HRD Ministry to include all aspects of the so called corporate monopolized HRD into general education  purview. Each one’s conscience is ultimately will decide the quality of effectiveness and success of the individual.  This metaphor may not be in tune with Popper’s scientific approach and therefore it is imperative that this factor is carefully examined with reference to  one’s  conscience being shaped by

a)      culture and tradition

b)      religion

c)      society

d)      systems

e)      ethos

f)        codes


And nurtured by their

a)      faith in God

b)      adherence to their Scriptures and Holy books

c)      adopting pro human values

d)      minimum spiritual exercises


Everybody has the leader potential in him/her. One has to acquire the appropriate skills for

a)      recognizing the leader potential in them

b)      increasing the efficiency

c)      decision making

d)      team building and team work

e)      recognizing leader potential in others

f)       providing space for others to develop their skills

The intellectual and the emotional development of a person may be explained in the six dimensions of the personality. A steady growth in these six dimensions will result in the integrated development of  the personality. The six dimensions are, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Moral, Social and Spiritual. If the ‘hrd content’  can aim at the development of this integrated development of the learners’ personality, real empowerment ought to  take place. It will no longer be value education but will be an education for values and that will be through the target language.

The researcher wishes to reproduce his articles on the  six dimensions of personality development and the value significance  modified from the value education text book prescribed for under graduate students in many colleges in India. The researcher has   co authored  this book titled In Harmony.